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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Portfolio - GH#1 Final Version

Browsing thru my folders...
found my portfolio ^^
Here's the 1st project in the company i joined after i graduated.
The company website flash intro.

3 pre-release versions
version 1.0
version 2.0
version 3.0

my blogspot template has width limitation.
the full size flash is here

This flash took about 2 weeks in production and have been come forth-and-backward many times to do adjustment and review.
Some of the scene look transit very fast now, but with the PC specs on that time the animation speed is just all right. If not mistaken, that time was using pentium III. now is quad core era adi ^^.

i cant find source for this flash... thought to do some adjustment like mute sound button, and pause button at start play. i dont want here to be noisy.


Unknown said...

Calvin, ajar macamana nak buat... hehe...

FlyingChocobo said...

kena bayar o!